Upwork for New Authors
SOS! New authors if you are looking for an illustrator then this blog is perfect for you! Upwork for New Authors.
***DISCLAIMER: This blog about UPWORK is not sponsored by Upwork or anyone. I’ve used Upwork for over two years in creating illustrations for my books. I have enjoyed their platform. ***
This blog is about:
Breaking down how to sign up and use Upwork as an Author. How to add a job specifically when you are looking for an illustrator.
Using Upwork 101
Right off the bat there are several reasons why some Authors don’t illustrate their own books.
Things like no drawing ability, they can’t draw the style they want, not enough time, too much work, just to name a few. A lot affects your book when it comes to illustrating.
First I have to ask. How bad is your drawing ?
Sometimes our worst critic is ourselves. Or we really don’t have any illustrating skills.
I want you to look around at other’s illustrations. Let me tell you. There are all types of illustrating out there.
Are you really not capable of doing your own art in your book?
Or are you underestimating your skill?
Now, I totally understand if your cannot draw. You see that sad lil stick figure sketch below?
Yep. That was drawn by me over 10 yrs ago.
No matter what, it’s up to you to decide who illustrates your book. And if you are reading this blog that means you’ve decided to hire an illustrator.
How do Authors hire Illustrators on Upwork?
Glad you asked.
In this day and age we are so fortunate to be able to have the world’s technology at our fingertips. Your computer and or phone is going to be your key. Apps and for hire-Illustrators is how you can illustrate your book. Hire someone to create the art for you. Which is also called Outsourcing.
Time to Outsource some illustrations.
YES! Let me share with you the Upwork app and why I love using it for my Book!
I’ve used this app for my first book Grandma’s Magic Blanket. And am currently using Upwork for my newest and first YA book, Lily’s Guide to Releasing Antique Spirits.
Upwork is trustworthy and very professional.
This app is Great because:
1. The app is free
2. You can search and hire people from all over the world
3. You have options to choose from
4. You decide the price range
5. This app very user friendly.
Let’s get to Work!
Go to your handy dandy computer, tablet or cell phone.
Find and download the app : Upwork.
For a computer look up: Upwork.com
For cell phones go to your play store app. Look up Upwork and download it.
*I would recommend you get this for your computer too. Having accessibility on both a computer and phone is great!
Create a username and password. Sign in and create your account. Add a profile picture and some details about your occupation.
For example you could write: Mary Gillis, author and blogger.
Something simple is perfect.
*Since you are going to be hiring you will need to be ready to add your credit card info or PayPal info to the app as well.
*Don’t be alarmed at this. The app is very secure!
Explore time!
Take some time to look at the app and what it has to offer you.
#1 Locate the search bar and type in illustrator.
#2 If you see something you like, heart it! It basically saves it for you.
#3 Once you got through and pick the #1 artist you want! It’s time to hit that HIRE button.
Locate the search bar. Notice the U.S. only option?
If ON You will only be able to hire in the USA. If OFF You can hire anyone from around the world. Pretty cool Right!
Type in “children’s book illustrator” in the search bar and hit enter!
Look through and explore the different artists. There are a ton of illustrators out there waiting to be hired.
Click through a few, see what’s out there. Especially if you are not sure what type of illustrations you want to go with yet.
See something you like? Heart it! A heart will save the artist for you but not hire them. It allows you a chance to look for a few options.
Author Tip:
If you are still undecided about what Illustration style to go with. I highly recommend you go through a few of your favorite illustrated books. Dive into why you loved those illustrations and what you want to show in your own illustrations.
How to Post a Job in Upwork!
Every artist has their own style.
If you know or have an idea of the style you want for your book illustrations then the best thing to do is: POST A JOB.
Go to your profile and click on Post Job.
Once there, you will need to fill in the details.
It will ask how long your job will be.
It will give you a place to list what you are looking for.
Try to get as specific as possible with your request.
Tell them what you want and any details about the art style you are looking for. A small blurb of what your project is and your price limit.
How much do Illustrators cost on Upwork?
A good illustrator can cost anywhere from $40 to over $1,000 us dollars.
**I put what I could afford in the price, but in the details I add that the price is negotiable and could be changed.
How much is too much?
For those who are new to the author world let me give you an example of how much I paid for my illustrator.
I posted a job saying that I wanted a watercolor effect, soft details illustrations for my children’s book. I looked at 10 different artists and talked to 6 of them through chats on Upwork before deciding on one.
Besides looking at their prices, I also asked for the artists to illustrate my main characters face in their own style. Which helped tremendously to narrow down the style I liked the most.
When it came to price I asked them what they thought was fair for the amount of pages they would have to illustrate.
Based on what they replied with and my budget I tried making a offer that was in between.
Author Tip:
In Upwork, once the artist is hired, you control when they get paid. I like to split the payment up (with the artists agreement). I usually do 4 payments. The last payment is given when I have all the illustrations and the project is closed. PS. you can tip your illustrator if you want. You just add it to the payment.
This takes time but Remember this is your book! Great things take some time.
Helpful Info to ask the artist before Hiring
Now before you go ahead and Hire the artist here are some good questions to ask.
● What format will you be saving my illustrations in? I prefer (fill in) examples :pdf, png, jpeg. All 3 are good to ask for. If you can get them your illustrations in all 3.
● At the end I will be asking for you to sign over the rights to the illustrations so that I may freely use them in all future marketing and books. Will that be ok with you?
● I will be using your name on my books as my Illustrator. Do I have your permission to use your name?
● Do you format books as well as illustrate? If they say no. That is fine. It’s just a good thing to know. Some illustrators do formatting as well as illustrating. This could save you some time and money. It depends on their prices and experiences.
● Would you be willing to illustrate one of my characters in your style so that I can have a better Idea of what your style is?
● Can you do font and wording for my book as well as the illustrations. If you are making a children’s book.
Once you pick the winning illustrator it’s time to go to the hire button!
Illustrator hired, now what?
First of all. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
You might not feel it now but this is one of the biggest steps towards finishing your book!
Some tips!
Keep in touch with your illustrator. Communication is KEY!
I asked every week for an update. Unless they gave me a two or three week time frame to work in.
I wanted to view every page while it was being worked on to make sure we both we on the same page. And I also let the artist know that they can make suggestions on my pictures if there is something that could be done differently or make the overall book flow better.
Be open to changing your original ideas, You don’t have to, its all based on your illustrators experience and what you want.
Keep the communication open at all times! Set up a scheduled day and time you and the artist can chat or touch base on.
Rights to your book
**Rights to your book.
The reason I suggested you ask the illustrator to sign over their rights to their illustrations is to make sure that you have total ownership of the book in the end.
You must give credit to your illustrator in your book unless they have agreed otherwise. Give credit where credit is due.
You need this so that you can publish your book under your name only as well as promote and market your book without restrictions.
Ask them to agree, if they say yes I would print and screen shot the verbal/chatted agreement and save it for proof of ownership.
Now work Together.
And that’s about it.
You and your illustrator will work together for however long you have agreed to. Once your book is illustrated you will move on to finishing and printing!
This blog is about:
Breaking down how to sign up and use Upwork as an Author. How to add a job specifically when you are looking for an illustrator.
Thank you for reading until the end. As a new blogger any and all support is appreciated and welcome.
Write on~