Lily’s Guide to Releasing Antique Spirits
Lily’s Diary
Hello, hello Readers!
~Grab a cup of coffee or tea. Get comfy for some good reading~
We enter into the Diary of Lily Shels, a 9th grader who, as we are about to find out, is struggling with many different challenges. One of the biggest is opening up to her best friend Doris about everything she is struggling with. Being vulnerable is harder than some of us let on.
Out of the 4 diary’s, Doris have 2 left to read. Lily gave the diary’s to Doris hoping that she will be able to understand how hard it has been for Lily to open up about the past year’s events. Why is it so hard to open up to the people we love the most?
Doris shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She’s been trying to read one dairy a day, as a way of giving herself time to take it all in. It’s been a week and she’s only on the third diary. Halfway through the first diary, Doris realized how much she didn’t know about Lily. Worse yet, Doris was shocked by Lily’s lack of trust in her. Her feelings were hurt now. Why wouldn’t Lily trust her?
“Mom, should I be insulted or worried that my best friend doesn’t tell me everything?” Doris flopped down at the kitchen table, maybe her Mom could give her some advice.
“Depends, what type of stuff are we talking about” Mrs. Casdy flipped through some recipe’s on her tablet.
“Let’s say it’s personal, internal battles. Like something weird or strange is happening and she didn’t tell me anything about it because she was afraid I wouldn’t believe her.” Doris sighed, picking at the flower centerpiece. Squishing the small Styrofoam balls sticking out from all sides.
“Did she tell you that she was keeping secrets, or did you find out another way?” Mrs. Casdy stopped mid-scroll to catch a glance of her daughter’s activity. Smacking Doris hand lightly, she raised her eye-brow warning her to stop torturing her flower center piece.
“Kind of both.” Doris rubbed her hand, pushing the center piece away. “Should I be friends with someone who can’t even trust me enough to share the problems they are having? Isn’t that being a bad friend or am I overthinking sensitive to things?”
“Well honey. I think that yes, you might be overthinking things a little. But, before we decide that, how did your friend react to you finding out? Are they denying that you know about their situation? Or once they found out you knew, have they started to open up more?”
“I guess, she’s started to open up a little bit more.”
“Good. Doris, friends, even best friends have secrets, and struggles that they aren’t ready to share sometimes. Fear, stops us from being vulnerable, because you never know what people, especially the people you love the most, will think of you. If Lily didn’t share something with you, but since you found out anyway, and now she’s taking the time to explain her actions and let you in on her secret or struggles. I think that means, God wanted you to find out, and Lily needed a good hard push to open up to you. Since she’s opening up now, it means she learned something about you. You are her best friend and can be trusted, even with her secrets. Some good friends just need time to open up their thick shells.” Mrs. Casdy left the kitchen table looking through the cupboards for ingredients. Her tablet open, with a recipe for heart healthy meals.
Doris left the kitchen in silent contemplation. So, Lily trusts me now, right? Because, the diary’s are revealing Lily’s struggles and secrets. And Lily gave me the diary’s. She must be opening up to me now. These diary’s are extremely personal and I get to read them.
Back in her room, Doris pulled the diary to her pillow and began reading.
Lily’s Diary
Dear Diary,
Let’s talk about your feelings:
Feelings? You mean talk about your lack of feelings, I think I’ve finally cried out of tears. Today Doris approached me about my weird emotional episodes and asked if I was hiding anything from her. She had tears in her eyes, she was nervous and fidgety. And the best I could do was stare and bluntly say “It’s none of your business.” I walked away from her like the biggest jerk in the world. And yet, I didn’t feel anything. Normally I would have cried seeing her cry. But, I didn’t. It felt weird seeing her so sad, but instead of feeling sympathy for her my thought went to the opposite. Who cares if I keep secrets? You may be my friend, but how long will that even last? Maybe this is for the best. I can’t hurt you if you aren’t talking to me.
What happened today:
I said little, thought too much. Isaac is overtaking everything I think. When I heard someone talk about how they didn’t like their lunch meat, I had the sudden urge to shove the sandwich into the face and tell them to suck it up. At least they have something to eat. A few girls were giggling about who knows what, their laughter was getting on my nerves. It must be nice to laugh and feel good. It’s been weeks since I laughed and actually meant it. Homes been hell, school’s been hell. Everyone but Mina thinks I’m just giving into teenager mood swings for attention. I try to not say anything but then I end up yelling. It’s like the harder I try to keep it all in, the more I lash out.
Mina’s getting suspicious, she already knows about the spirit problems I have since last summer’s vacation. But, Isaac has a weird way of shutting me down when I try to tell Mina anything. I hear her, but I can’t seem to respond with anything besides “I’m ok.” I’ve spent hours thinking about how to tell her, what to tell her. How she might react. But, when she asks “How’s it going? Any spirit updates?” I feel all the life getting sucked out of me. Like it’s too much work and energy trying to explain something that she might not understand. So what’s the point…what’s the flippin point????
What’s the point of these stupdi **STUPID DUMB SPIRITS!!! Why does this keep happening to me? What on earth is God trying to tell me? What could I possibly be learning from this??????
The only feelings I have now are anger, stress, and indifference. I’m hurting, but I hate hearing others complaining or trying to talk to me. And yet, I want someone to break into my thoughts and help me. I think…I’m not sure. Mina said that’s kind of how depression works.
Do I have depression now? Or am I just feeling sorry for myself and letting that run my life. Or should I say Isaac’s running my life. I’m almost sure he had depression. So is he giving it to me? This whole spirit thing is nothing but questions and confusion.
I’m done, tired and have nothing else to give.
~Lily ready to be done with this spirit mess.
Over the next few weeks Lily will share a few of her diary’s with us. Each Diary is a sneak peek into book 1 of Lily’s Guide to Releasing Antique Spirits. Little clues in each diary entry that will prepare you for the adventure that Lily will be going on.
My new book will be released hopefully as soon as August!!! How exciting is this? I hope you all enjoy reading all the sneak peeks that are coming out each Sunday for the next 3 months! Tell your friends, family members and most importantly any of your Catholic teen girls. My goal for this book is to share some fun, supernatural adventures from the perspective of a Catholic.
**All short stories shared on this blog are copyrighted.
Thank you for reading until the end. As a new blogger any and all support is appreciated and welcome.
Write on~