How to Post a Job on Upwork
Hello again Authors! Last week you were introduced to an app, that I not only love, but I use almost daily: Upwork! In today’s blog we will learn how to make an effective post on Upwork.
Giving your job the best chance at being taken seriously. We want to attract your ideal artists. And make the entire hiring an artist process as simple and quick as possible.
This blog is about:
How to create a successful job post on Upwork. This job post is specific for authors looking to hire illustrators off of Upwork.
Let’s begin.
This job post is based off of what I have used for my own two books. This job post is specific for authors looking to hire illustrators off of Upwork.
Create the post.
Log into your Upwork app.
Go to the top right area that says JOBS
Hover on it and a list of options should show up. Look for POST A JOB And click on that.
Get started page will pop up like this:
Pick one of the options.
Will you job take a few weeks or a few months? Which ever it is pick the option that is best for your project.
Next is title picking.
Be as specific as possible. If you are looking for a Children’s book illustrator, put that in the title.
Once the title is in these options will pop up.
I’ve gone with illustrations because my book isn’t comic strips or cartoon style art. Pick whichever matches the style of art you want more.
Hit continue!
Next you need to add skills and go through all the tabs below. The purpose of this is to narrow down even more, what type of artist you want to hire.
If you are not 100% sure then choose whatever sounds good and see what you get in the end. There is no wrong way of doing a job post. You can only get as specific as possible with the options you select.
Next: it’s time to pick the SKILL LEVEL of the artist you want.
Here’s the catch with this part. The more experience the more money they will cost.
Time to take out that budget and see where you stand. Artists can range from hourly pay to pay by illustrations.
The pay ranging from $10 per hour to over $40 per hour. Costing you over $1000 dollars for the entire book.
Don’t worry if your budget is tight select the entry, intermediate level. This means artists within your budget can find your job post easier.
Do you want USA only or Worldwide? Pick on and continue on.
Almost done!
Time to pick your preference. Do you want to pay by the hour or by project?
For my two books I used the project budget when hiring my artist. I found that choice more flexible for both me and the artist.
Put in a budget you can work in. Don’t put something you can’t pay, but don’t put in your lowest offer either. Go for the middle or highest you are willing to pay.
Let’s finish this job post.
Fill in the job description below. You don’t have to, however I highly recommend you fill it out.
Use this template below for filling your job description out. This is the same one I use for my job posts.
My name is _______. I am an author looking for an amazing illustrator for my _______ book.
This is the style of illustration I want for my book. (ADD SCREEN SHOTS OR add attachments below.)
My price range is $ _______ for # _______ of illustrations. This is negotiable.
Please reach out with your resume and examples of your artwork if you are interested.
Thank you
Post that job!!!
Congratulations! Give your job post at least 1-2 weeks. You might get reply’s immediately, but sometimes it takes some time.
This blog is about:
How to create a successful job post on Upwork. This job post is specific for authors looking to hire illustrators off of Upwork.
Thank you for reading until the end. As a new blogger any and all support is appreciated and welcome.
Write on~